Archive for the 'simplified' Category

Constructions of King Mahasen

May 29th, 2008

Kaudulla Reservoir: (Tissavaddhamanaka of Mahavamsa)

Kaudulla has a bund of 120 ft wide at the base extending to a greater height than the bund of Minneriya. Height of the bund of this reservoir is measured to be 50 ft. In 1680 AD, an Englishman named Mr. Pybus had written that this reservoir was in working order. Continue Reading »

King Mahasen (275 AD – 301 AD)

May 29th, 2008

After Mahasen was consecrated, his mentor Mahayana bhikku Sanghamittha came back to the city. Bhikku Sanghamittha convinced King Mahasen that Mahavihara bhikkus were not teaching real Vinaya (Disciplinary Code of Buddhism). Continue Reading »

King Siri Sangha Bo to Jetta Tissa: 238 AD – 263 AD

May 29th, 2008

Siri Sangha Bo (238 AD – 240 AD)

After the death of Sangha Tissa, Siri Sangha Bo became the ruler. He was a very pious King, who conducted many meritorious deeds.

Devil Ratakki:
During King Siri Sangha Bo’s time period, red eye disease spread through the country. The disease was caused by a devil known as “Ratakki”. Many people died due to the disease. King Siri Sangha Bo lied on the ground and wished that he would not raise from the ground unless Ratakki come to him. As King wished, Ratakki the devil came to King Siri Sangha Bo. King asked the Ratakki to take him and save the people from the disease. Ratakki did not agree. Ratakki stated that he wants half the country. King said that’s impossible. Finally Ratakki agreed to accept offerings from each house every day.
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Kings of Sri Lanka 131AD to 238AD

May 29th, 2008

Mahallaka Naga: (131 AD – 137 AD)

After King Gajabahuka Gamini’s death his father in law Mahallaka Naga (Old Naga) came to power. Mahallaka Naga constructed seven Viharas during his short time as the King.
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Kings of Sri Lanka 62 AD – 131 AD

May 29th, 2008

King Vasabha First Lambakanna King (62 AD – 106 AD)

King Vasabha after capturing power from Subha, asked the fortune teller who predicted his ascension to power how long would he rule the country. The fortune teller said he would rule the country for twelve years. Unhappy with this prediction, King Vasabha asked Mahasangha, how to prolong his life. Mahasangha stated by conducting meritorious deeds, he would be able to prolong his life. Hearing this, King started a major campaign to construct temples and reservoirs. He had thousand lamps lighted in Mahathupa, Thuparama, Great Bodhi Tree and Chetiya Pabbatha. He restored many ruined Viharas and stupas. He built a huge wall around the city to protect it from enemy attack. (According to Mahavamsa Tika, the wall was approximately 27 feet high). Continue Reading »

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